Budwig Protocol
Photo by DeeDee Ferguson
Dr. Johanna Budwig was one of the world's leading researchers on fats and oils in the 1950s when she developed a theory that fats and oils could be therapeutic in the prevention and treatment of cancer. She subsequently developed The Budwig Protocol as a cancer treatment and claimed to successfully heal over 90% of her cancer patients using this protocol prior to her death in 2003.
The main component of the Budwig Protocol is the consumption of a daily mixture of quark (cottage cheese) and flax seed oil. However, the protocol also includes strict dietary and lifestyle changes, including utilizing the healing properties of sunlight and avoiding toxins and stress. Please utilize the resources below to learn the full details of this protocol.
As with any wellness support, it is important for fully research and form your own opinion on whether The Budwig Protocol is right for you in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.
"During my research I found that the blood of seriously ill cancer patients had deficiency of unsaturated essential fats… I also noticed that cancer patients had a strange greenish-yellow substance in their blood which is not present in the blood of healthy people. I wanted to develop a healing program for cancer. So I decided to straight way go for human trials and enrolled 600 patients from four big hospitals in Munster (Germany). I started to give flax oil and cottage cheese to the cancer patients. After just three months, patients began to improve in health and strength, the yellow green substance in their blood began to disappear, tumors gradually receded…I treated approximately 2,500 cancer patients during last few decades. Prof. Halme of surgery clinic in Helsinki used to keep records of my patients. According to him my success was over 90%.” - Johanna Budwig (Verma, O. P., Cancer Cause and Cure, pp. 47-48)
Informative Articles
Healing Cancer Naturally
What Is the Budwig Diet?
By Jenna Fletcher, Reviewed by Natalie Olsen, RD, LD, ACSM EP-C
Books & DVDs
By Dr. Johanna Budwig
German researcher, Dr. Johanna Budwig shows you how to use healing essential fatty acids (the good fats) to heal yourself from cancer, heart disease and other chronic ailments. Her book includes over 150 healthy recipes and meal plans for cancer treatment and prevention, as well as hundreds of patient testimonials. Relevant scientific studies are cited throughout the book.
By Ursula Escher & Gene Wei
By Dr. Johanna Budwig
Translated from German, this series of lectures by seven-time Nobel Prize nominee and world-renowned Scientist & Biochemist, Dr. Johanna Budwig, connects the relationship between cancer and fat metabolism and discusses the mechanics of unsaturated fats in maintaining healthy bodily functions. This is the science behind the Budwig Protocol.
By Dr. Johanna Budwig
A healthy food preparation guide by a seven-time Nobel Prize nominee and Europe's foremost authority on cancer and nutrition.
Support Groups
A moderated Budwig Protocol discussion group, including many testimonials. Requires a yahoo account to join.