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Complete Recovery from Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma - Peggy's Story

Writer's picture: DeeDeeDeeDee

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

Peggy was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the spring of 2017. She successfully treated it using a combination of holistic and conventional protocols as well as significant lifestyle changes. Today, you would never know that Peggy experienced cancer just two years earlier.

In March of 2017, “out of nowhere,” Peggy noticed a goose egg-sized lump on her lower back. She immediately made a doctor’s appointment to have it examined. This led to multiple rounds of testing over the next month until she received the diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Coincidentally, Peggy’s daughter came to visit soon after the multiple rounds of doctors’ appointments and testing began. She rearranged her schedule to stay with her parents until they knew the cause of the lump and had a plan in place to address it. Realizing the imminent threat of cancer, both of Peggy’s daughters encouraged her to make some rapid lifestyle changes. These included:

  • Eliminating all processed foods, sugar and flour, including most breads and pasta, from her diet.

  • Replacing chemical cleaners and personal care products with more natural ones that included essential oils.

  • Adding apricot seeds (vitamin B-17), Essiac tea, flax seed oil and cottage cheese (part of the Budwig Protocol), Manuka honey, and turmeric ginger tea to her daily diet.

While Peggy’s daughters utilized general information in The Truth About Cancer docu-series to recommend the aforementioned changes, they realized each person and cancer situation is unique. In order to determine the source of imbalance in her individual body and with the support of her family, Peggy began seeing a holistic Nutrition Response Testing practitioner.


Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body through muscle testing to understand any underlying weaknesses and determine the root causes of ill health. Causes can include parasites, viruses, toxins, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies and other problems that are creating unnecessary and unhealthy stress on the body, its tissues, organs and systems. Then, using the same muscle testing technique, specific high quality nutritional (typically whole food, mineral and herbal) supplements are checked against the areas of weakness to find which ones bring the organs and bodily functions back to full strength, thereby supporting the body's innate ability to heal.


Peggy’s Nutrition Response Testing practitioner was most concerned with identifying and addressing Peggy’s bodily imbalances, which could be the root cause of the tumor. Once her body was brought back into balance and her organs and systems were at full strength, he believed her body would address the tumor on its own. Within 48 hours of evaluating Peggy, her Nutrition Response Testing practitioner found the following imbalances:

  • A central nervous system block being caused by her watch. The Nutrition Response Testing practitioner explained that no diet in the world would help her until her central nervous system was functioning correctly.

  • A virus in her bones/bone marrow. This could have been recent or been there for months or even years. This was concerning to Peggy’s daughters, because it is not uncommon for lymphomas to spread to the bone marrow (1).

  • A severely compromised immune system, which is typical of cancer patients (2).

In order to address these underlying issues, Peggy replaced her watch with one that did not cause a central nervous system block. She continued with her new dietary and lifestyle changes and added several whole food, mineral and herbal supplements, recommended by her Nutrition Response Testing practitioner, to her daily routine.

In parallel, Peggy pursued a conventional treatment protocol. Her oncologist gave her a very encouraging prognosis, stating that the goal was “a full cure.” Continued testing included an MRI to determine whether the lymphoma had spread beyond her back, followed by a bone marrow biopsy to determine whether the cancer was present there. The results indicated that the lymphoma was contained in the original tumor on Peggy’s back. Exactly four weeks after fixing her central nervous system block and beginning the Nutrition Response Testing supplements to address the virus in her bones/bone marrow, Peggy’s bone marrow biopsy revealed no evidence of cancer. According to Peggy’s daughter, “We'll never know whether or not there was cancer in Peggy’s bone marrow to begin with, but having a clean bone marrow biopsy meant the recommended conventional protocol was only three rounds of chemo rather than six.”

Peggy was already looking and feeling better. Her energy was increasing and color had returned to her face. She had an incredibly strong mental attitude, telling her oncologist that they would need to begin communicating around her golf schedule. Even with all the testing and unknowns, Peggy was ready to get on with her life.

In June 2017, Peggy began three rounds of chemotherapy. Her tumor almost completely disappeared within 24 hours of the first round. While she suffered many typical side effects of chemotherapy, the following helped to make it more manageable:

  1. Strong support from family and friends. Her immediate family was with her during every doctor’s appointment, chemotherapy treatment and continued to care for her in the weeks following chemotherapy.

  2. Continuation of her whole food diet, eating as many vegetables, green smoothies and bone broth as she could stomach.

  3. Beginning to consume high quality cannabis oil a few days after her first round of chemotherapy. Surprisingly, it stopped her hair from falling out and allowed her to not go completely bald! Peggy and her family believe there were many additional health benefits from the cannabis oil, including protection from other harmful side effects of chemotherapy.

  4. Soliciting the help of a second naturopath who specialized in holistic cancer support for women. He provided her with protein powder, which helped her regain her energy following chemotherapy. He also gave her strong probiotics to restore her gut health.

A follow-up MRI in August revealed “no evidence of disease.” Peggy followed the oncologist’s recommendation for 17 radiation treatments to the original tumor location, which were completed in September. To celebrate the end of her treatment, she made her oncology team healthy, gluten-free and sugar-free "cookies."

At the request of her oncology team, Peggy had discontinued the Nutrition Response Testing supplements during chemotherapy and radiation. Once her conventional cancer treatments ended, she immediately resumed her Nutrition Response Testing program and supplements. Her Nutrition Response Testing program now consisted of detoxifying from chemotherapy and radiation in addition to healing from the original imbalances that had allowed cancer to grow. Chlorella was one of several detoxifying agents added to Peggy’s supplement schedule over the next year. (It is important to note that everyone’s body and situation is different. While Peggy’s body used chlorella to detoxify, others may need to use different supplements and treatments.)

Peggy also continued with many of the lifestyle changes she began during her cancer diagnosis. In addition to replacing conventional personal care and cleaning products with more natural, organic products, Peggy also stopping using RoundUp as a weed killer in her yard.


Glyphosate, the main ingredient in RoundUp, is a toxic herbicide sprayed on many non-organic foods and is listed as a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organization (3). To date, Monsanto, the maker of RoundUp, has been found guilty in three lawsuits of failing to warn consumers of its health dangers and subsequently causing non-Hodgkin lymphoma. There are an additional 13,400+ lawsuits awaiting trial (4).


Today, Peggy is 83 years old, going strong and back to playing in her golf league. She does still have energy issues, which she attributes to the side effects of the chemotherapy five years before. She continues to see her Nutrition Response Testing practitioner monthly and while she continues to take the whole food, vitamin and mineral supplements for which her body is testing, she is not on a single pharmaceutical medication other than eye drops! This is incredible in light of the fact that 90% of people over 65 utilize one prescription medication and 67% utilize three or more (5).

Peggy doesn’t dwell on her cancer experience and has mostly put it behind her as a “bump in the road” of life. Her daughter summarized, “We are very thankful to her entire medical team. While her oncologist successfully treated the tumor, it was her Nutrition Response Testing practitioners that addressed the root cause of her cancer and enabled her to recover from conventional cancer treatments much better and faster than we anticipated.”




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